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Petrological investigations of polymetallic vein deposits and auriferous tin placer deposits of the Carnon River Mining District, Cornwall

Petrological investigations of polymetallic vein deposits and auriferous tin placer deposits of the Carnon River Mining District, Cornwall
Bestellnummer: 4-13-20
ISBN: 9783948618292
Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig
Preis: 25,00€
zzgl. Versandkosten
Preis ohne MwSt.: 23,36€

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As a recognized part of UNESCO's Memory of the World International Register, the Nebra Sky Disk is one of the few most important archaeological discoveries in the history of the world. For a better understanding of the Sky Disk, the origins of the metals from which it was made, are of utmost importance. Other than the origin of the copper and tin, the origin of the gold remained unclear, despite years of intensive research and search throughout Central Europe. Only a look at the region of origin of the tin, Cornwall, brought promising results.
The question of the geological origin of the gold goes far beyond establishing the similarity of the gold composition, i.e. the matching geochemical fingerprint between the gold of the Sky Disk and the Carnon River gold nuggets. Only the reconstruction of the metallogenesis of the Carnon gold nuggets from the geologically unusual and geochemically particularly distinctive primary ores of one of the Cornish granite intrusions and its special country rocks completes the understanding of the entire »journey« that the gold of the sky disk has travelled. The present volume provides a detailed insight into the geoarchaeological and mineralogi­cal research that is necessary, both in the field and in the laboratory, to unravel such complex and interdisciplinary relationships.
Autor / Herausgeber Nicolas Meyer
Größe 30 x 21cm
Einband Hardcover
Ort / Erscheinungsjahr Halle/Saale 2020
Details Himmelsscheibe von Nebra »Der Aufbruch zu neuen Horizonten« DFG-PROJEKT FOR550 - Produktsprache: Englisch - 96 pages, articles on the state of research, mostly color illustrations, diagrams, maps and plans
Verlag Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt
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